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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Over the River and Through The Woods....

To Grandmother's House We Go.

We are back on the road again. The Husband and I were joking that we wouldn't be "us" if we weren't on some crazy roadtrip going somewhere. We have just finished a visit with the Husband's family and are now heading down to my parent's place for Christmas. The trip to the Husband's parent's place took 20 hours and now this one will take 16. I think this will be the last long roadtrip for a few months. It is amazing how stressful it is to just sit in a car with two dogs a baby, and a husband for 16 hours.

Below is a photo of some of the Little Bean's cousins.

1 comment:

  1. Have a safe trip and a VERY Merry Christmas!! Love you guys.
