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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Finger Painting Before Supper

For some reason everyone always migrates to the kitchen/dining room area while I cook supper. Daddy usually builds a fire in the fireplace and turns on some good music. The kids either paint, color, draw, or dance. Sometimes they do all of these things in the same night. The photos below are from a finger painting operation gone out of control.

It started out innocently enough, but as you can see below, we got a little silly.
Hank may have misunderstood the concept of finger paint and thought it meant he should paint his fingers!
He got into the war paint as well.  The funny thing about Hank and fingerpaint was that as soon as he got it on his hands and made a few marks he wanted to clean his hands off.  THEN he would start the whole process over again.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun!!!!!
    Love and miss all of you.
    love, aunt edie
