PitaPata Dog tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers PitaPata Dog tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The Little Bean is getting her first tooth! It is on the bottom and has just peeked out enough to show its top and hurt when she bites with it. I am so excited! I can't believe what a big girl she is getting to be. A tooth, low crawling, feeding herself puffs, what next?? This is all so bittersweet.

It is also a little sad that her Daddy isn't here for all of these firsts. Of course, he probably wouldn't have thought much of the fact that she is saying "Mama" and not "Dada" first. :) The good thing is that he will be back soon and there are so many "firsts" for him to enjoy. I can't wait to see him teaching her to ride a bike or taking her fishing for the first time.
They are going to have a wonderful time together enjoying lots of adventures. Probably, she will become a Daddy's girl. I have seen how he is with little children and babies. They all love him and he has infinite patience with them. It is going to be wonderful when we are all together again! I can't wait! The Big Bean can't wait either. She loves wrestling with her daddy and will be so glad when he is home!

No photos today, but tomorrow, I will post the cutest pictures of the Little Bean playing cards with her Uncle Giant.

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