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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hell Cat

I have a couple more bath time photos and a few old ones that I want to put together so we can see how she has grown. In the mean time, I think this photo is pretty goofy looking.
It is so crazy how her little personality is starting to show itself. She has a very short temper (her father) she is super dramatic (me) and she is so bull headed that it is almost exhausting to battle with her. Her father, who is not here, believes that this is called determination and tenacity. When he gets home, he will realize that it is called bull headiness and stubbornness and general rottenness.
She knows what "no" means, but chooses to ignore it. Especially when she is after the dog bowl. If you block her way to the dog bowl, she screams, and tries to wrestle her way to it. That isn't really new, but if you pick her up and move her away, she immediately shoots back towards the dog food. This little game can go on forever as she doesn't get bored of it. The poor Big Bean has taken to gobbling her food as fast as she can because she is afraid that the Little Bean is going to get into it.
She is also developing a little difficulty in getting to sleep. She fights against it with all her might. This is quite the departure as previous to this, we just put her in the crib, and she would lay there playing until she drifted off to sleep. Now, sleepy time involves lots of screaming, the spitting out of milk, the shooting of pacifiers into the air, and the kicking of legs and flailing of arms. She finally falls asleep after we are both completely exhausted. In the hotel the other night my mother was taking her turn at trying to get The Little Bean to sleep. After a particularly intense fit, my mother began referring to her as a "Hell Cat." Neither of us know what a Hell Cat is, but it certainly seemed to aptly describe her crazy fit.
Most of this is due to the fact that we are traveling and she is sleeping a lot in the car during the day and will probably go away when we get to our destination and back into a normal routine. but is sure does seem as though she is already started her terrible twos. Just a little early! :)

1 comment:

  1. She is getting so big!! I cant wait to see you guys! By the way I am with you I blame her stubborness on her father :)
