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Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Zoo

Our house guest, Miss K, has headed back out West to finish her adventures before going back to work. Both Beans loved having Miss K here and were sad to see her leave. The Little Bean loved her so much that she held out her arms to Miss K to be picked up. The Big Bean was quite jealous and kept bringing her toys and dropping them on Miss K. It was very cute.

We had a great time running around the area and checking out all sorts of stuff. It is funny that it takes visitors to get me to go and see the things that have been here all along that I haven't managed to see in the past two years. We went hiking in the desert the first day, which probably wasn't the most ingenious idea that I have ever had. It was well over 100 degrees and by the time we got back, we all thought we were not going to make it. The poor Big Bean, burned her little paws in the parking lot. Poor little girl. Then the mean old mama took her for a run that evening after it cooled down. Poor tortured Bean. You know she loved it!

Yesterday we took the Little Bean to the zoo. We got there a little late and only had one hour to see the whole zoo. Because we are crazy, we took that as a challenge and were determined to zip through the entire zoo and see everything in only one hour. This seemed like a great idea at the time, but by the end of the hour, we again, thought we were not going to make it. It was so hot. Another day of over 100 degrees. But, we saw all sorts of cool animals, which were strangely wondering around rather than sleeping through the heat of the day. Maybe because it was somewhat cloudy, I am not sure. And because the zoo was very small, the animals seemed very accustomed to people and came up to the fence and looked back at us. The little javalina even snorted as us and the leopards came up and stalked us. I think they were planning to eat the Little Bean. She was super cute and was completely enchanted by the animals and stared at them open mouthed and grinning.

The above photos are two that Miss K took of us at the zoo. The bottom one shows how goofy the Little Bean's faces are. She makes the craziest faces and her eyebrows are so expressive. She cracks me up.

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