Gypsy Wagon - Part Deaux
Well, we are on the road again. This time we are PCSing to our next duty station. We had our housing inspection this morning and were very disappointed that the inspector hardly even looked at the house. I wanted to insist that they get on their hands and knees and look at the baseboards that I spent about a hundred years scrubbing. Oh well. We have passed, and are now no longer living in that crazy place. Right now, we are homeless.
Our first stop on our cross country adventure is to visit the Uncle Giant and Auntie K. We are going to stay with them for a couple of days, then head up to the Husband's hometown for a visit.
The Little Bean shows no interest in our moving and adventures. She had her first hot dog yesterday. She ate like a champ. The little monster ate 1.5 hot dogs. Every time she finished what was on her plate, she banged her hands on it until the Daddy gave her more. He was cutting it up as fast as he could, but couldn't keep up with the gobbling monster that is our daughter.
Before we left the base we had to make one last stop at the thrift shop. I love that place. I got a couple of books and a jacket for the baby. While we were waiting to check out I handed the Little Bean a See and Say. She was playing with it and sitting there being a good girl. THEN her father decided they should wait in the car. He took the See and Say away and started for the car. As soon as he pried the toy out of the baby's hand she let out an indignant screech so loud that everyone in the store turned to see what had happened. Needless to say, she got the toy and she and her father made a quick exit.
We took a couple of photos today, but they are not where I can access them at the moment. I will have to put them up later.
In the meantime, you can enjoy these photos of the crazy little girl. She fell asleep while she was eating some pizza bones. She refused to nap that day and was so tired. Still, we had never seen her fall asleep in the middle of a meal.
It's hard work eating pizza. I LOVE that picture!