Here are the last of the birthday photos.
The Little Bean wasn't quite sure how to open presents. She liked the contents, but wasn't totally sure about how to get to them.
She also liked to just play with the wrapped boxes. I think she would have been perfectly happy if she just received brightly wrapped boxes for her birthday.

She really loves her cousin M, but M isn't too sure about babies in general. The Little Bean is determined to win her over. :) Her Auntie P and she get along very well. She sits with P in church and aggravates her so that she can't listen to the sermon.

She and Cousin S are surveying the table of snacks and trying to decide what they should taste next.

Cousin V helped dry the little monster off after her mid-birthday bath. She was clean as a whistle, but no one else would hold her because she didn't yet have a diaper on. V was the only brave one in the room.

She was pretty impressed with her little Stitch stuffed animal and with the shoes below. I think it is too funny when she wrinkles up her nose and grins at things. I think she is a pretty cute kid, but of course, I am a bit biased. You can see how her hair is starting to grow a bit. Her father says it is my imagination, but I think it is starting to get thicker and a little longer in the back. By her next birthday, she will be wearing pig tails. (if I can get her to hold still long enough)

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