The Tadpole Project
No, Nahla is not a tadpole. Just wanted to post a photo of the little bean and her beloved Nahla. She is so excited that her Nahla is here. Daisy and Cash are pretty excited to have her here too!
Back to the tadpoles. Sophia and I scooped a couple of blobs of frog spawn/eggs out of the pond and put them in a fish tank. The next thing we knew, there were about a zillion tadpoles swimming around. It wasn't a big deal at first as they were super tiny, but then they started to grow, and quickly!
We have had to put lots and lots of them back into the pond; probably about 50 or so each day. Soph likes everything about these little baby frogs. She likes to feed them, put them in the pond, and just watching them swim around.
This is a cool photo because you can see the little tadpole's mouth is open. Their mouths are surprisingly big compared to the rest of their bodies. We were also surprised at how voracious the little critters are! I guess since they grow so unbelievably fast they have to eats lots and lots. We read that if they don't get enough to eat, they will begin to eat....each other! yikes. We feed them well, and so far there have been no incidents of cannibalism!
These little newborns are so cute. I love the one on the left with his giant gills poking out.
Some more crazy gilled critters.
Can't wait until they start to get legs. I have already found Soph putting her hands in the water. More than likely there will be lots of catching and holding the little froglets as they grow bigger.
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