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Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Biggest Squirrel In The World!

Below is what I managed to get up for now. The stealing squirrel has gotten super big eating bird seed. He climbs the tree and then scoots down the limb to jump on the bird feeder stand. My mother put up a special squirrel feeder, but apparently, stolen food is sweeter!
Below you can see how my parents force manual labor on us when we visit then for the holidays! It is the only time they get two strong boys who are willing to work for food. Here is a photo of Cousin S out helping the guys cut down a dead tree that was in the yard. She is the prettiest dog and so well behaved. I tried multiple times to trade her for the Puppy Bean, but no one was taking. I guess we will keep the Puppy Bean and love him and attempt to train him as best we can.

1 comment:

  1. Was it bigger and scarier than the Cali squirrel?
