PitaPata Dog tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers PitaPata Dog tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 29, 2007


The Little Bean was baptised/dedicated at church last Sunday. Uncle Giant and Auntie K have agreed to be her Godparents. She didn't care much for the ceremony, but enjoyed all of the fun afterwards.

Apparently, my brother didn't know that part of being a godparent is to share one's food with the godchild! The Little Bean believes this to be true. She had to explain it to her Uncle Giant.
The Little Bean has also been walking a whole lot lately. She can take more than ten steps without falling down, but only when she wants too. She refuses to walk just because we want her to do so. She will only do it if she is in the mood. Crazy kid. She has even learned to stand up without holding onto anything! Such a big girl!

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