One Year Old - The Stats

Well the Little Bean is now officially a "toddler." Below are her stats
Height: 28.5 inches - 25%
Weight: 19 pounds - 10-25%
Head: 18 inches - 50-75%
Teeth: 5 full teeth, 2 on their way
Words spoken other than Mama and Dada: 2
The little girl is growing fast and is as busy as usual. She has not yet taken her first steps. The Husband threatened to cancel her birthday until she started walking, but as usual, she ignored us and did whatever she wanted to. She is so close to taking those first steps, but just at the last millisecond, she drops down and crawls. No worries. She seems to be a stubborn little girl and will certainly walk whenever she decides to do it.
Physically, she has learned to climb up stairs and then to go back down the stairs. In the same vein, she can safely get down from the couch or chair, or wherever she is sitting. She has also learned that if she doesn't want to get picked up, she can put her arms over her head and arch her back so that she slides out of your hands.
Verbally, she is doing quite well. She is mimics different sounds and words that we say. The Husband acts silly sometimes at the dinner table and grunts like an ape. The Little Bean follows suit. If it weren't so cute, it would be really annoying to be eating with two cave-people. Another funny this is that she tries to mimic the dogs. When they bark, she makes a similar "barking" sound. If they bark three times, she makes her sound three times. It is pretty funny. She also continues to say "uh-oh" whenever she drops something or falls down. She claps her hands in happiness and squeals with glee. She also giggles hysterically at things she finds funny. This is my favorite thing so far. When she is in a giggly mood, anything you do can make her collapse into a helpless fit of laughter. That is the best sound in the world!

Well, I think that completes a picture of the Little Bean at one year old. I can't believe that she is already one and she is such a joy (even on bad days) that I look forward to the years to come. It is amazing how much I love this little girl. I could never have imagined how it feels to be a mama.
On a funny note. We let the pups lick the Little Bean's high chair tray that was covered in cake and ice cream. Apparently, sugar has the same affect on dogs as it does on people. The puppy bean was WILD. He ran laps around the house, barking all the way. He ran up and down the stairs, bit into anything he could get his teeth into including, shoes, baby toys, stuffed animals, and anything else laying on the floor. It took him forever to calm down. I am guessing that is the last time we feed that one sugar.

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